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Eriane Shushen Arlaan

|Anatim|, husband and Guardian (deceased)
|Leilani|, daughter
Nashira, daughter

Home town: |Chenem Farell|, |Thanatos|
Last known location: Tazenda, Valley of Shadows

Eriane is a fifth-generation Healer of Chenem Farell, the result of the city's continuing Healer breeding program. Raised to be nothing more than a tool to serve the city's ruling council, she didn't have much of a will of her own in those days. Once of age, she was ordered to bear a daughter.

During her pregnancy, however, Eriane became aware of a very serious problem: The child she was carrying had not inherited the Healing power. A non-healer daughter of a healer may give birth to a male healer, something I am not sure why they really don't want. Fearing for her yet unborn daughter's life, Eriane found her salvation in her assigned Guardian, Anatim, who saw her distress. Anatim, who had long since fallen in love with his beautiful protégé, convinced Eriane to run away from Chenem Farell together.

For a while, they lived happily ever after, raising Eriane's daughter Leilani. Eriane found herself reciprocating the love she received from Anatim, and they married.

What happened next is a bit unclear. I don't know if they were attacked by assassins from Chenem Farell or if it was Lord Granen's doing, but anyway, Anatim was killed defending Eriane and/or Leilani. About two months later, Eriane was raped by Lord Granen. Thanks to the help of Boco, Eriane managed to escape from Granen. Because she's a self-sacrificing wimp who couldn't even imagine taking the life of an innocent, she gave birth to Nashira and raised her with all the love she could muster for the constant reminder of her worst memory.

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Page last modified on May 22, 2008, at 08:46 AM