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Actual spelling: Sa'heed

Born: 12th of Nexus-Asechronus, 12014 of the Lunar Calendar
Birthplace: Stars-upon-Brooksvalley
Height: 4' 9"
Weight: 95 lbs
Appearance: Somewhat thin Zard dressed in somewhat bright colored cloth. He is armed with a hoe and seems to pull it out as a solution to all of life's problems from seemingly nowhere. He has rust-colored scales and heterchromatic eyes.
Class: Blue Mage
Level: ??
Languages: Zard, Ancient Human, Elven, Human, Dwarven, Draconic
Religion: Sa'heed worships the Magazyn Gwiazd as the subtle influencer of luck and the heavens, and as a fellow farmer caretaker, he has a healthy respect for the lore and legends of Loman, the God of Death.
Sa'heed feels like a lizard out of water. He was given awareness after likely thousands of years of being frozen in time along with the rest of his civilization. At the time, he considered himself current with popular trends and science, and seems to be intensely curious about all sorts of new things in this so-called "Future Sharna". Everything seems new, everything seems so exciting.

Since the events of Old Rumin's appearance, Sa'heed is now working for the interm government as an ambassador to "Future Sharna". He has been seen traveling the world wearing whatever the latest fashion of the land he's walking through... and a hoe.

Original Character Sheet while NPC

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Page last modified on July 04, 2021, at 12:12 AM