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Establishment and History

The Estate of Hyral was established upon the death of King Delita Hyral of |Ivalice| as a part of his will. He bequeathed everything west of the (???) river to his daughter Beria Hyral and everything east of the (???) river to his daughter Varia Hyral. Thus, it could be interpreted that the Estate of Hyral is actually an extension to the former nation of Ivalice, albiet dramatically smaller. While officially established, the Estate was not formally recognized until 1043 by Ajoran Reckoning due to the ongoing Ordalia-Ivalice War. Many lives during the war was lost in the Estate's current boundaries even though relatively little of the fighting occurred within its borders.

The Estate Today

The Estate today is a center of magical research and knowledge on the Isle of Man. Its former queen, Beria I, emphasized rebuilding and magical research over that of technological progress or even rebuilding the army. As a result, the Estate has one of the weakest militaries of the region and is only defended upon a city by city basis. Every person that grows up in the Estate learns the benefits of research and merely going through the educational system allows a person to be easily proficient at such a thing. In general, the Estate prides itself upon its Steel Age institutions and magic so omnipresent that it is merely deemed Common.


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Page last modified on May 30, 2008, at 01:19 PM