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Ages of Magic

  • Ignorant: Except for an extreme few (1 per million), no knowledge of magic exists. The extreme few spellcasters most likely only know cantrips.
  • Mythic: There may be legends of magic, and members of the general populus might know what magic is, it is very rare - the average person has never seen anyone cast a spell. Even the most powerful spellcasters tend to not have anything above weak spells.
  • Discovery: Average member of the population at least knows someone who has seen a spell cast. Spellcasters are still shrouded in mystery, but are more common than before. Spellcasters are beginning to discover how powerful they may be, so sightings aren't that uncommon.
  • Exploratory: Magician guilds begin to show up. Magical regulation by the powerful begin to exist, but society itself doesn't notice. The exploratory phase is very similar to the discovery phase on the outside, but for magicians the difference is strong. The first major spells begin to show up, but are known by an extreme few.
  • Active: The average member of the population not only knows what spells are, but have seen a spell cast before. Spellcasters are still somewhat rare, but they tend to be understood. Great amounts of magical research may be taking place, and spellcasters are taking active roles in society.
  • Applied: Magic is now actively being used in conflicts, and the magician guilds are incredibly strong. Everyone knows what magic is, and they assume that everyone knows what it is. People tend to know people that can cast spells, yet nearly everyone still cannot cast a spell. Item creation begins to occur at this level at a more common rate.
  • Expanded: 1% of the population can cast a cantrip. Not only does the average person know of someone who can cast a spell, but they can typically recognize what is a spell and what isn't. Spellcasters are vastly more common now, and more magical research is going on.
  • Common: 25-35% of the population can cast a cantrip, and magic is very common. The average person has a friend that can cast a spell and most likely knows someone that can cast a weak spell. Spellcasters are so common that they tend to be everywhere in society - government, law, and military especially. Someone from a non-magical but technical society may occasionally mistake the magic used as technology instead, but it isn't very common.
  • Artificer: 60-75% of the population can cast a cantrip or two, and 10% of the population can cast a weak spell. Everyone knows what magic is, and it is commonly believed that magic should be everywhere. Mass creation of magical artifacts begins to happen and entire cities can sometimes be created using magic alone - this is still very uncommon though. Outsiders frequently mistake their magic for technology.
  • Generation: Almost all of society can cast spells - typically cantrip still, but the occasional person (20%) can cast a weak, and some can even cast a moderate (1%). Magic is taken for granted and assumed that everyone can cast something. Mass scale artifacts are created and entire cities being created from magic alone would be somewhat common. Magic is recognized in all things, and people from other less magically inclined societies are typically awed at the magical level. Magical constructs tend to have intelligence and can start being seen on streets with normal people, but this is uncommon.
  • Sentient: At this point, magical constructs are integrated in society. Magic is everywhere, and everyone can cast spells - typically weak spells (85%) or moderate spells (35%). Even the constructs can cast spells themselves, and society itself can start to be seen being different from the average human society - not just because they can cast spells, but because of the spells effect on themselves. Self enchantments are very common, and wars are typically very devestating. Technology has been typically been replaced by magic completely, but you will still find some non-magical artifacts.
  • Transcendent: Members of vastly magically weaker societies tend to view members of a transcendent society as gods. Magic is not only everywhere, but very strong. The average person can cast a moderate spell (95%), and sometimes even a major spell (30%). The extreme increase in power tends to cause mass societal destabilization and eventually societal destruction. Spell powers themselves tend to be sharply higher, and noone would even think of making something that wasn't magical. There is no difference between technology and magic at this level - everything is infused with magic.


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Page last modified on July 11, 2008, at 08:00 PM