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Eshi Sol Sharna is a large gas giant in the Nexus/Sharna system. Eshi Sol Sharna has several moons and a couple of subplanets (planets that orbit other planets), including the very populous Sharna. Generally referred to as "The Sun" by those living on Sharna, this planet actually provides shade from the actual sun of the system - Nexus. Ordinarily, Sharna would be too close to Nexus to be able to sustain life; however, Sharna is perpetually in the shadow of Eshi Sol Sharna and thus only has the heat coming from Eshi Sol Sharna itself.

In a second strange coincidence, due to the rotation periods of Eshi Sol Sharna and Sharna being the same, one will always see the same side of the gas giant from Sharna's surface as long as one stays in the same place. However, most people would never notice as one can go blind from staring at Eshi Sol Sharna for too long.

Gas Giant
Distance: 314,155,000 km
Radius: 43561 km
Gravity: 1.91G
Orbit Period: 380.1 days
Rotation: 24 hrs
Mean Temp: 561K/288C
Orbitting Objects: |Yaushorat|, |Veligmeme|, |Krishe|, |Vertedasz|, |Semisibis|, |Ifala|, |Maasteetase|, |Eshi Rings|, |Santimayarvind|, |Estbintur|, |Greycurturre|, |Psi Undhenar|, |Nodciquam|, |Napama Chi|, Sharna

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Page last modified on April 09, 2008, at 08:25 PM