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The subplanet of Sharna is the home to a large variety of races and other species of animals and monsters. It orbits its primary planet Eshi Sol Sharna, which in turn orbits the megastar Nexus.

Distance: 9,945,795 km
Radius: 12756 km
Gravity: 1G
Orbit Period: 380.1 days
Rotation: 24 hrs
Mean Temp: 287K/14C
Atmosphere: 1.00 atm (N2 73.3%, O2 26.29%, Ar 0.07%, CO2 0.2%)
Water / Ice Index: 61.64%
Population: 39,768,524,000
Moons: Aesechronus, |Pestliscious Hourus|

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Page last modified on March 22, 2008, at 07:58 PM