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Aesechronus is a moon in a retrograde orbit around the large subplanet of Sharna. Steeped in mythology as the home of evil terrors and mischief, it quite interestingly became home to a colony of the most mischievous race of all, Imps. These imps won't rob you blind, at least.

It is well known that the atmosphere of Aesechronus is condusive to exploding violently and seemingly randomly. No one is quite sure why or even how, other than the large amount of poisonous explosive gas in the atmosphere. Those living there are protected by extremely sturdy structures of carbon highly enchanted to resist the periodic explosions.
The surface is covered by a material called Xenon Hexafluoroplatinate, forming a relatively thin (~5m) crust around what is essentially a lump of rock.
Many prehistoric cultures seem to have an extremely large fear of Aesechronus, and given its relatively close distance to Sharna leads creedence to the theory that the moon may have actually hit Sharna at some time.

Distance: 100,000 km from Sharna
Radius: 2000 km (exactly)
Gravity: 0.78G
Orbit Period: 1.81 days (retrograde)
Rotation: does not rotate.
Mean Temp: 300K/27C
Atmosphere: 0.46 atm (XeO3 25%, N2 22%, O2 21.3%, Ar 2.9%, CO2 2.8%)
Population: 12,854

Major Races: Imp Minor Races: Yeel


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Page last modified on March 22, 2008, at 07:50 PM