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CTS Transit, now sponsoring the Sharnian Chronicle!

We offer the finest in transportation services, whether you're trying to get from point A to point B in a flash or trying to haul large and heavy goods across continents.

Methods of Transit

Instantaneous Travel

CTS Transit understands the needs of a modern adventurer in going from point A to point B as soon as possible to save a princess. That's why we have our Teleportation Pads - we can facilitate instantaneous travel to many sections of the world at a reasonable price. Please note that rates are for groups of 1-4 individuals going to the same location.

To/From Cencilia:

Durharn - 3000 gil.
Fovoham City - 4000 gil.
New Gariland - 5000 gil. Unavailable due to war.
Taylen - 5000 gil.
NE East Ivalice - 5000 gil.

To/From Durharn:

Cencilia - 3000 gil.
Dunnen - 2000 gil.

Sea Travel

CTS Transit operates out of the port city of Cencilia on the Isle of Fae. We have regular sailing vessels going to ports all across both the Isle of Fae and the Isle of Man, along with Dunnen on the Dwarven Isle. Prices are based on the size and weight of what is being transited - call us today about our rates!

Air Travel

Want a nice luxurious air cruise across the beautiful waters of Sharna? No problem! Need a cheaper way of getting between continents? Easily done! We offer weekly airship service between Cencilia and the Machine City in Goug starting at 500 gil!

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Page last modified on November 17, 2010, at 04:50 PM