GeographyNo one is quite sure why the world was called Sharna - it just appeared as though it was always called that across all languages. Sharna itself is considered a larger rocky-style planet (Class M), with over 80% of its known surface area covered with water. The known world consists of one hemisphere and is divided up into three continents - the Isle of Man, the Isle of Fae, and the Dwarven Isle, plus one |Archipelago| between the IoF and the IoM. The other hemisphere appears to be covered completely in ocean - something that nearly everyone believes to be false and is referred to as the illusionary Mantle of Sharna.. In addition to this, there are two moons (only Aesechronus is known to be inhabited), a space station (One), and a magical plane (Spirit Domain) covered in the general Sharna region. Advertisement Sharna sure is a big place, isn't it? That's why we here at Cencillian Travel Services want to offer you the very best! Please be sure to visit our CTS Transit website. |