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  • Birthplace: Aethanyc, Spirit Domain
  • Birthdate: Exact date unknown due to loss of records. Estimated to be Elven Reckoning 6070.
  • Ethnicity: 100% Mountain Elf
  • Physical Attributes: 5'8", very large build.
  • Known Aliases: Annabelle, The Balzarine
  • Family: Mai Cencilia Zern (half-sister), Ririth Zern (half-sister), Izuri Rumin (daughter), Cid Zern (father)

Belania Zern, Ancient Times

"She was Captain of the Guard for Meridian, during our starving times."

  • Class: Valkyrie

A very flirtatious Captain of the Guard for the Kingdom of Meridian, Belania accidentally shaped the way Miin society views beauty and ideals today. Known for being a legendary swordswoman who never let her blade step in the way of her tongue, Belania was known for being a very kind and caring person, frequently giving the food off of her plate to those who need it. The very stereotype of "Spoiled Sweet", Belania grew up seeing hunger all around her and never wanting anyone to experience that.

Her most well known attribute during this time was repeatedly resigning from the guard and secretly joining the guard back up again, rising through the ranks and eventually revealing her identity to all around her once promoted to the Captain of the Guard again. Like her sister, she appears to be functionally immortal.

Belania Zern, Modern Times

"Belania was with us all along, and we never even knew it."

  • Class: Divine Valkyrie

A turning point in her history is in more modern times, during the |Miin Revolution|, Belania was the most respected person across the kingdom... and the most feared. It was strongly believed that she would intervene upon her father's behalf in defending the kingdom like her position demands.

Fortunately, it appears as though not only was she far more inclined to side with the people, but she was actually one of the founding inciters of the revolution itself. As The Balzarine, she led large groups of women throughout the Miin Bay in an organized revolt against the government. This group, eventually calling themselves Feminism Now, became the keystone of what is now known as the Dove Coalition, which has been in power in Miin Republic ever since.

Post-revolution, Belania simply vanished from Miin life. Many rumors have been thrown around as to why she left, but she never stepped foot in the republic again. Eventually, she married a king in the very distant north and had one child (Izuri Rumin).

Belania Zern, Deceased

"Belania Zern, Her Royal Majesty of Ruminia and Queen of the Frozen Lands, Her Highness Princess of Miin, Grand Summoner of the Spirit Domain and Valkyrie and First Knight of Loman Lanthani, God of Death" - Plaque on her statue in Meridian.

"So we see her as a sort of protector of Meridian - our Valkyrie. The old king had the statue commissioned and donated to us after her death. I can't say I knew her though, although my older brother said that I met her when I was an infant."

"Unfortunately not, she was killed some number of years ago on a trip to some small Sprite village in the Spirit Domain."

"It is said that her gravesite is a secret only known by a select few, but I think that's just to keep people out of that area."

  • Deceased: Elven Reckoning 9201
  • Cause of death: Assassination?
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Page last modified on September 05, 2021, at 04:11 PM