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Miin is one of the largest and most diverse countries on Sharna.

Its population approaches fifty million.

Geographic Description

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New Cencilia (Capital) Cencilia (Former Capital) Meridian (Former Capital)



Technology Era: Computer Age Miin has gone through a long, long buildup of technology with help from their best friends of Shield. Anything in modern day Earth is feasible in Miin, although Miin has a greater focus on the ecological and less focus on nuclear.


Magical Era: Common Era Miin has the magic of the Fae and, as such, around 25-35% of the population is capable of using magic. Magic is regulated by the many magic guilds of the region, especially the Cosmic Magic Guild of New Cencilia.


The majority of the population worship Anonym, the Great Engineer (who is a Dwarf). Anonym's temples are places of great knowledge - Libraries. The Great Library of Cencilia is considered the greatest religious location of Anonym. Beyond Anonym, both the religion of Zern (Elf) and Ajora (Human) are prevalent.


Less than fifty percent of the population are Mountain Elves, but they are the most populous. Dwarves are the other major race represented in Miin, with Humans, other Elves, Imps, Zards, and Moogles rounding out the rest of the population.

General Population

The majority of the population are involved with trade, commerce, and/or espionage.


Miin is set up as a Tricameral Indirect Democracy, ruled by the Council of the Many, Council of the Few, and the Council of the One.

Council of the Many

This is the general population of Miin.

Council of the Few

Nicknamed the "Senate", these are the elected officials of the nation, represented by two people from each of the wards of the nation.

Council of the One

This is the President of Miin, currently Ririth Zern. (this is a STUB)

Starting abilities

Nation Subregion Free Skill (one) Regional Language National Language
Diplomacy Elven Dwarven or Human

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Page last modified on September 16, 2011, at 01:12 AM