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Classification: Gnostic Pacifistic Chronosian Religion Origin: Shield, Dwarven Continent Headquarters: Great Library, Cencilia, Miin Republic, Isle of Fae People Worshipped: Anonymous Dwarven Paragon (indirectly), Cecil Lanthani (indirectly). Sacred Objects/Concepts: The Written Word, Libraries. Blasphemous Objects/Concepts: Destruction of History. Note: The organization does not have a true hierarchy, thus does not have a High Priest.

Anonymism can be considered a near worship of the written word and history. Anonymites (typically Dwarves or Mountain Elves) consider the written word to be a method of immortality and a way to preserve themselves throughout the future. They are typically very literate and highly intelligent and consider tasks beyond that of collection of knowledge to be mundane and uninteresting. As such, Anonymites tend towards pacifism unless threatened. Even then, unless one would threaten a library (considered a sacred place), it is unlikely that one could acquire the ire of the religion as a whole. Instead of priests, Anonymites have Librarians, guardians of that which is sacred. No true hierarchy exists for the religion, but typically there will be an owner or organizer of the library that the Librarians will answer to. In addition, some of the larger libraries will actually have their own small militaries and specialists for handling affairs that require more direct confrontation than the average Anonymite would care to provide.

It is unknown just how much power they wield, as there is no known event in which they were significantly challenged. Of course, since said event would have to be inscribed in the history books that would lay within their own libraries, such a fact may be distorted due to history.

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Page last modified on July 18, 2008, at 02:15 AM