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Varia Hyral sends Gyre to talk with the Associated Lords as a diplomat to ensure them that Varia is not the source of the technology based attacks (Later to be determined as the Defenders of the Night), and Cosplayer is assigned to him as an assistant. They head, first, to Vermio, as it is the home of the closest lord, Shali. There, they encounter a half-neko fleeing for her life from a mob. Epheron and Ildarish, in Vermio to find more business for his father, also see the half-neko and the group decides to protect her and assist her in her escape. Gyre, Cosplayer, and Epheron talk with Shali, who says she has no intention of war with Varia and then points them in the direction of the next Elemental Lord, Xan Breezeweaver in Homindale. Meanwhile, Ildarish helped the half-neko escape. Epheron and Ildarish decide to go with the diplomats and they head out.

In Homindale, the group meets with Xan and talks with with him about the state of affairs of the area. The PCs help Xan fend off a small attack by robots disguised as members of the Water Lord's army, possibly sent by Shali. They are assisted by a mysterious, wandering gardener. After this, the party takes part in a fighting tournament, hosted in Homindale. After the events of the tournament, Xan was again attacked by a would-be assassin, disguised as Sasuke. Memory-Cameras in the palace caught the assassin on film, but it would take 7 days for the memories in the film to develop, causing the party to flee the city. During their flight, they encounter a village in the Earth Lord's jurisdiction that had been sacked by Neko forces. After leaving the village, they encounter a small Neko Forester war party that insists on attacking them, from which they have to retreat.

The party sneaks into Vorn, the city of the Earth Elemental Lord, Wendy Vorn. They attempt to talk with Wendy, but are stone-walled. Upon talking to Varia and Xan, via cell phone, they determine that something is wrong, and the party is advised to try to get into the castle by any means possible. Any means possible, of course, means Ildarish flying while carrying Cosplayer and Epheron while Epheron cuts a large enough hole in the outer wall near the ceiling for them to fly through. While a large number of town folks, hired by Ildarish, play musical instruments, badly, to cover the noise. Anyway... Once inside, the group finds that the castle seems to have been taken over by some outside force. They successfully rescue Wendy and discuss with her the sequence of events. She had been taken hostage in her castle for approximately 9 months by a mercenary force of unknown origin.

Then, Epheron and Ildarish painted the town ... clear. Yeah... Mercanis Dawn is a weird, weird God.

The party then leaves for the Water Lord's city, Mon Zin. Along the way, they have a strange vision of what appeared to be the future, of Varia and Shali fighting. Shortly thereafter, they encounter a priest of the Church of Time, Lan, looking for people that have had visions.

They arrive in Mon Zin to discover the rebellion of Xan and Wendy and the Occupation of Xan's lands by the Defenders. They contact Varia who tells them to continue with their mission. The group goes on to meet with |Lord Hydros| who was in conference with Shali when they arrived. They find that the Water Lord is incredibly polite and mostly agrees with Shali. On their way out of the palace, the y talked with Shali, shortly, about Flex. After this, neko ninjas attacked. The party fends a small group off, and checks on Lord Hydros, who is fine. They then check on Shali, to see that she has killed a massive number of ninjas and is also fine. The next day, Lord Hydros invites the group to breakfast. They have a fine meal with a side of Lord Hydros attempting to kill them. After the party defeats Lord Hydros, he reveals that he is a spirit and was raised to kill the party. He cannot reveal who raised him, but he did reveal that it was someone that was trying to influence Shali. He also tells the party that the city will not remember him, but only the (real/new/whatever?) Water Lord that will be arriving. The party finds Varia's memory recorder on their way out of the castle and call Varia to inform her of the incident. The group meets with the (new/real) Water Lord and finds that he is almost identical to the old one. The party then sets off for Neko Forester land.

However, on the way there, they take part in a second combat tournament, held on the Space Station One. Gyre is called back on business matters, but Varia provides a replacement in the form of |Arinson|. The final fight of the Arena is |Vankiel Zim| vs Anastasia Lanthani. He fights her for information on the location of |Ajora Glabados Lanthani|. Vankiel wins, barely. Anastasia tells him

After this, the party sits in on a meeting between Varia and ambassadors of the Yeel. They discover that the Yeel are from offplanet ... However, that they originated on Sharna. After this, they head off to Treetop Village, via teleport. On the way, they have more visions about a possible future. They arrive at Treetop Village, only to discover they may not be let in. Lan, however, is in Treetop and happens to see them, bringing him in. They discuss the vision they had with Lan, and he shows them a book mentioning one of the paragons of the Imps and Moogles. He was one of the first of the Paragons to come back and establish a race and culture, but was supposedly killed in a revolution against him.

The group is then instructed by a group of neko soldiers that Flex wishes to meet with them. At the meeting, Flex gives them a scroll that he instructed the group to take to the leaders of the Defenders of the Night. This scroll said, "I surrender. The only condition of my surrender is sparing my people any further harm unless they act upon you. - Persona Flex". This was not due to the strength of the Defenders, but due to that Flex did not see himself as a fit leader of the Neko, after his actions in the past. Though he started the war, Flex did not wish for war, he just wished for the end of Neko oppression.

After this, the party headed to |Goug Campus| to talk with Varia once again. She is surprised to learn of Flex's intent and tells the group to talk with the Defenders of the Night. She also shows them that there is very little spread of Democracy, in Sharna, with only two nations consisting of a democracy - Miin and |Changeland|. Cosplayer, at this point, stays in Goug to continue her studies.

The group went off to talk with the Defenders of the Night. They meet Paws and discover that she is a member of the Defenders, and find out that Harmonia, a base of Defenders operations is under siege. However, this is actually part of the Defenders's plan, as it ties up Shali's army to not be doing damage elsewhere. The party goes to Harmonia Village and discovers that it isn't quite a village, but a huge castle. It seems to be the Defenders's base, as there are massive stores of tech based war machines. They find Xan and Bob there, leaders of the Defenders. They relay the message from Flex and find out more about the Defenders. They find out that Shali's armies have been getting stronger, recently, and that their defenses may not be enough. Paws, injured, then comes in to tell Xan that their illusion generator, which is tying up Shali's army, is malfunctioning. She also tells the group to go to Goug, as assassins are being setn after Varia.

They teleport to Goug, and the campus is empty. They rush toward Varia's office, with Ildarish arriving first. He warns Varia about the possible attempt on her life, but she tells him that she's aware of it, hence the empty campus. Arinson and Epheron catch up and enter the room ... But it turns out, Epheron had been replaced by the Assassin. The assassin is killed by Varia, though this causes her to break down in tears.

The next morning, Varia calls the group to her office, as Shali wishes to talk with her. Shali contacts Varia, who asks Varia for nuclear weapons. Varia, of course, refuses. Shali then says that she will then have to take them by force. Varia asks implores Shali to not attack, and the conversation ends. Varia then makes a speech to the people of the Associated Lords, via spy devices, claiming her right of rule over East Ivalice to stop the war.

At this point, the job of being Diplomats is technically over, as there is no more real diplomacy to be done. However, the group volunteers to help Varia in any way they can to end this war. Varia tells them of a device that would give the wielder massive power when it was used. Varia doesn't want this to fall into Shali's hands, so she asks the group if they would be willing to retrieve it, once she discovers where it is. The group agrees, and, in the mean time, signs up for classes at the University. They go to find Vankiel Zim, Epheron's advisor and professor to all three.

The class that Zim is teaching involves field trips to the Isle of Fae. The first trip they go on is to Cencilia. They explore the city and such. Then, they head to a temple that has not been able to be dated for age. It turns out to be a Temple of |Bahamut|, and they rescue Septia Dragonrider Lanthani.

A couple of weeks later, Varia holds a meeting of the leaders of Goug, the Estate of Hyral, and United Fovoham. They discuss Shali's recent aggression and how to counter it. Varia plans to fight the Generals of Shali's army to spare casualties and stop the war. The final battle ends up being between Varia, Paws, Worker Eight, Epheron, and Ildarish vs. Shali and her Generals.

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Page last modified on May 12, 2008, at 03:12 AM