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Fought between the former Associated Lords, the former Neko Foresters, and the Defenders of the Night.

Due to the general mistreatment of Neko under the Associated Lords, Persona Flex declared the independence of the Neko Foresters. The Defenders of the Night then occupied the western portion of lands held by Xan Breezeweaver.

Shali attempted to force Wendy and Xan into conscription of troops, but this caused Xan and Wendy to instead rebel against Shali, splitting the Associated Lords. Shortly thereafter, the Defenders of the Night occupied the rest of Xan's land and Xan ordered his army to stand down and allow them to do this. Shortly thereafter, Vorn was taken by the Neko. Wendy, however, surrendered instead of fighting. Following, there was a coup d'etat, where Lord Hydros was executed and Shali took complete control of the area.

Shali, of course, used her new found power to advance into both the land of the Foresters and the land of the Defenders. Shali then threatened Varia with war if she didn't give her nuclear weaponry, and in response, Varia gave this speech to the people, via spy devices:

"People of the war-torn regions I speak to, I am Varia Hyral....queen of West Ivalice. Umm.. I mean... East Ivalice. Under the will left by the late King Delita Hyral, I was to possess the Eastern part of Ivalice. This part includes approximately half of the war torn region. Normally, I care little for the affairs of royalty and such, thus did not pursue this claim. However, I am now making an exception. I hearby claim the entire territory of the Associated Lords, including the areas occupied by the Neko Foresters and the Defenders of the Night, as my domain of We-.. Eastern Ivalice. This includes the areas formerly occupied by Ordalia before the Human War of Ordalia. Any and all territorial governments that wish to allow my temporary juristiction will be allowed to continue except for the Tyrannical Government of Imperial Vermio, and I am establishing a 100 million gil reward for one Shali, the current so-called Empress of the region. This reward is only for her turned into me alive. Death will still be dealt with the standard penalty. As your queen... no... as a neighbor... I urge you to stop and look at what you are doing. Just... stop fighting. Please. This announcement will now repeat."

Because Shali attacked the University of Goug, this activated all alliances that the University of Goug was part of - With United Fovoham, the Estate of Hyral and the Yeel, with the alliances all sending troops to assist Varia. However, even these combined forces could not stand up against the might of Shali's armies, who seemed to be suspiciously strong. The Defenders took heavy civilian loss while the other groups took heavy military losses.

Morale in Shali's army and nation has steadily been plummeting, resulting in rebellions. However, Shali started mass executions and increased conscription, leading to about 50% of the population of controlled areas being militarized. She planned on making a push fully into Goug territory, and attacked both Bervenia Free City and Warjilis Trade City.

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Page last modified on September 11, 2008, at 10:41 AM