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Races of Sharna

Elf, noun. A word defining a group of races that generally have above average intelligence and agility, but are known for aloofness and isolation. High Elf, noun. A word defining a particular race of elves that practically defines the elven group of races as a whole.

Racial Tensions and Opinions

Mountain Elves

Mountain Elves and High Elves have an almost hatred for each other stemming back thousands of years. Even though each race lives in the other's lands, High Elves (in general) would trust a random human being more than a random Mountain Elf. However, specific exemptions abound in society and the conflict between the two races is generally overstated.

Silver Elves

If there was a race of elves to be trusted outside of a High Elf, this would be it. High Elves and Silver Elves share some common lands to the south and generally get along with each other. Standard High Elven aloofness tends to put off an average Silver Elf, but in general things work.

Half Elves

If a half elf is to be present in front of a High Elf, the other half better be elf too. Mixed race Elves are typically treated the same as their non-High half, but half-humans are ignored at best and treated as hunting targets at worst.

Other Elves

High Elves trust races of elves generally the same (exceptions above) as a beneficial outsider race. That is to say that they will acknowledge their presence, talk to them, but want them to leave their sight. High Elven Adventurers, on the other hand, tend toward working well with elves of all races (including the above) due to their common heritage and background.


High Elves dislike Imps. They are beneath them. Even High Elven Adventurers tend to agree.


High Elves view sprites as they would children. They have a generally positive viewpoint of them, but do not trust them due to their childish ways.

All Other Races

High Elves regard other races as inferior. Not an active dislike, just that they aren't elves. Specific exceptions to the rule will abound, however, and High Elven Adventurers typically do not hold a similar perspective.



High Elves are incredible mages and archers, among the best that have ever lived. A single track of thought for a High Elf encompasses more than that of the entire contents of another person's brain, and a High Elf can think their way out of any situation. They tend to be full of curiosity and wonder the moment they leave home and are very devoted to their duties.


High Elves give a bad name for the rest of elvenkind. Their anti-social tendencies tend toward the sociopathic, they hate practically anyone who isn't a full blooded High Elf, and they regard others with annoyance at best. They're magical murderers who will stop at nothing to get their way, and most have absolutely no knowledge of the real world outside their Guilded Trees.

Average members of the race

Random Person

An average High Elf is typically trained in limited ways of warfare (typically with a bow) and demonstrates superior intelligence and above average agility (or the opposite, depending on their family lines and history). However, they also demonstrate a lack of social skills and their other physical abilities suffer.

Anime RPG 3.X

STR 15 AGI 25 or 35 HEA 15 CHA 15 LED 15 INT 35 or 25 ENE 20

Yume En

STR 03 AGI 07 or 10 HEA 03 CHA 03 INT 10 or 07 WIL 04

Random Adventurer

High Elven adventurers are typically more worldly and accepting of others than the average member of their race, having to deal with the realities of the world around them. They are nearly all mages or archers.

Anime RPG 3.X

STR 19 AGI 34 or 42 HEA 20 CHA 20 LED 21 INT 40 or 32 ENE 35

Yume En

STR 05 AGI 10 or 15 HEA 05 CHA 05 INT 14 or 09 WIL 09

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Page last modified on August 18, 2011, at 02:32 AM