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Races of Sharna

The Night Elves are a race of dark-skinned elves of whom most make their home in the nation of |Thanatos|. They are known to be ruthless and capable of great cruelty; a reputation that is for the most part deserved. The Night Elves hold a deep hatred for Humans, and have been at war with the nation of |Humé| for as long as humans have been on the Isle of Fae.

Most Night Elves are trained to not show any weakness or emotion, especially in the company of other races.

This article is still a STUB, however.

Average members of the race

Random Person

The average Night Elf is considered to be extremely standoffish, independent, aloof, but incredibly skilled at what they do.

Anime RPG 3.X

STR 15 AGI 30 HEA 15 CHA 10 LED 15 INT 25 ENE 30

Yume En

STR 03 AGI 09 HEA 03 CHA 02 INT 07 WIL 06

Random Adventurer

Adventuring Night Elves are basically faster, more intelligent, and of stronger spirit than their weaker cousins, but are otherwise very similar.

Anime RPG 3.X

STR 23 AGI 37 HEA 25 CHA 10 LED 15 INT 37 ENE 42

Yume En

STR 06 AGI 12 HEA 06 CHA 02 INT 12 WIL 10

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Page last modified on August 18, 2011, at 02:42 AM