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Races of Sharna

This article is a STUB.

Average members of the race

Random Person

Living in such an inhospitable climate, Silver Elves have adapted toward being able to take more physical punishment than a normal elf.

Anime RPG 3.X

STR 15 AGI 23 HEA 22 CHA 20 LED 15 INT 25 ENE 20

Yume En

STR 03 AGI 06 HEA 06 CHA 05 INT 06 WIL 04

Random Adventurer

Adventuring Silver Elves tend to be more well rounded and balanced toward doing any task they wish well, typically with above average grace and personal constitution.

Anime RPG 3.X

STR 18 AGI 30 HEA 30 CHA 30 LED 21 INT 35 ENE 25

Yume En

STR 04 AGI 09 HEA 09 CHA 09 INT 11 WIL 06

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Page last modified on August 18, 2011, at 02:44 AM